Thursday 6 September 2012

Entity and Ancestral Clearing - Healing Journal No.2

It is two weeks since I last recorded my experiences in my first healing journal blog post.  By 'healing' I don't just mean physical healing alone but DNA clearings and other preparation for ascension.  I won't go into every single clearing or healing session I have done, although I've done quite a few since then, and not all of them have noticeable or immediate effects, even though the healings are immediate.  I'll have to find a more interesting title for these kind of posts, only I wanted to separate them from the other more general info on the blog, and I guess 'healing journal' is what it is.  At least I'm doing it and not merely reproducing information, although everyone will have different experiences to share from doing these clearings.  You will only really know what it's like if you experience it for yourself.

I mentioned in my first healing journal post that the Emotional Body Clearing (whole lifetime) and the Death Bar Code removal were the two most important ones to do first before going on to doing any of the others.  That still holds true, although I wanted to mention a few more that are important also.  

The Spirit Barcode removal is the one that enables you to get out of here and not get trapped into reincarnating over and over again.  It is the one that enables the Lightship to find you at ascension time.  You can do this clearing also for deceased loved ones.  I had no particular sensations while doing this session but it is not necessary for you to feel anything (or even believe in it) for it to work.  As these barcode removal sessions are usually rather long, I tend to do them them at night while in bed.  Trouble is, I sometimes doze off only to awaken to find that my computer has put up the screensaver image instead, thus losing the image of the lightbeing which is essential to have up for these healing and clearing sessions.  The image of the lightbeing is activated once you have logged in after paying for the session, and this is the interface between the Creation Lightship/Source Energy, Ron Amitron (as the conduit on Earth as the energies have to run through him) and me.  I've tried setting my laptop to never turning off like that, but so far have not managed to stop it from using the screensaver image after being on for a few hours.  So I do hope that I haven't messed up some of the clearing sessions because in some cases I have no idea how long I had dozed off for.  I will have to set my alarm next time. You do need to be in the same room as the computer really when having these healing sessions. I am fascinated at the way the image of the lightbeing can change with each session, and not just the eyes but sometimes the whole face.

The Emotional Body Clearing - Generations (1 to 7) is another one that I tried.  It is required to first complete the Emotional Body Clearing (whole lifetime) for yourself first, otherwise it won't work.  Knowing how messed up emotionally both my parents were, and that they had passed this on to me genetically through my DNA, I knew I had to go back further than just my own lifetime clearing.  I was already feeling peaceful anyway, and some people may only want to clear their own lifetime, but I felt prompted to take it to a deeper level.  And geez, I had no idea how much emotional baggage I'd been carrying from my ancestors, thinking it was all mine, until I had cleared it from my DNA.  Admittedly I've added a bit more of my own during this lifetime, but I hadn't expected to feel that much better than i was already feeling.  

I set the intensity level fairly high so that I could monitor which generations had been the most screwed up.  My mother clearing gave me a huge amount of pressure in my chest area, and interestingly enough this was the area, around the heart and lungs, where she had an unusual form of cancer, from which she died.  My father, or rather his emotional body, had popped into mine soon after he died, so I had to use the Entity Clearing on him.  

Entities are emotional bodies of people who have passed on. Entities are not spirits. Many of our addictions (smoking, eating, drinking, etc) come about from the entities that reside within us.

I had often wondered why I seemed to be taking on some of my fathers' character traits after he died.  These were traits that I found difficult, almost impossible to be around when he was alive, and yet it looked as though I would have to resolve them myself now, on top of everything else.  In fact, I can even recall the night he tried to hop into my body when i was in bed, shortly after his death.  I'd felt quite fearful at the time because I didn't know why he was there or what he was going to do.  There had been some intervention on my behalf in the non-physical realms at the time (activated by my spirit?), and I'd thought no more of it since then.  Apparently, relatives and other emotional bodies (ghosts) can inhabit us and use us as hosts, which would explain why I've not been my usual self since moving into this very old house, where many generations have probably died.

I did try using sage to clear all the rooms when I first moved here, but I don't think it was terribly effective.  The rooms have since been cleared after listening to a sample space clearing on the BBS radio archives, but I really do need to buy the one week or one month space clearing session next as anything in the archives only lasts for about two months as they are only samples.

Anyway, back to the 7 generations emotional clearing, I also noticed that apart from my parents there was a lot going on with Generation 6.  That would be around the 1890s  to 1900 period.  They could have just been very devout church goers perhaps, and maybe prayed a lot and thus got hooked up to the dark alien energies and had a roller coaster of a time.  Come to think of it, the people who used to live in my current house were very devout Christians.  That could explain a lot.  I probably needed exorcism rather than just sage to clear the rooms.

So I was feeling wonderful after this 7 generation emotional body clearing, and went to the supermarket soon after.  The elderly man who was the cashier got into conversation with me and asked me how I was.  "Alright" I replied.  "Just alright?" he said.  Well, actually no I feel great.  "That's more like it" he replied.  I realised I wasn't really acknowledging how good I felt and was just replying out of habit, or maybe emotionally neutrality.
After a pleasant conversation about his horses, and why he thought I was being too optimistic buying flower bulbs (to be lost to moles and voles), I got home and sat at my computer again, when all of a sudden my wonderful feelings just vanished into thin air for no reason.  Suddenly gone.  As I've always been sensitive to feeling energies, I knew there was something rather strange about that disappearing act.  I intuitively felt that some non-physical being or entity had fed on it, trying to steal my light.  They can make use of both positive and negative emotional energies.  Guess I should have stayed neutral after all.

So, I felt inner guided to buy the Alien Attack Removal for one week.  There is no point in my reconnecting with and embodying more of my spirit, my divine light, if it is just going to become a three course meal for any passing aliens or entities.  It would be a bit like trying to fill a bucket that has a hole in it with water.   I therefore postponed clearing any further generations until I had tracked down the culprits.  

There is both a weekly or a monthly program, with a whole list of alien races, parasites, implants, shape shifters, cordings etc. to choose from, so it's just a question of working my way down the whole list. 
I can tell which ones are the main possibilities by how I feel, and last night when I was trying a few of them out I found two that made me feel extremely heavy and drowsy, it was really hard to stay awake.  Those two were Human Parasites and Alien Life form Cording.   I'm sure I'll find a whole lot more, and I haven't even started the parallel lifetime (out of time) ones yet.  I'm not sure whether Human Parasites means the kind of worms all humans have inside them or if it means entities (emotional bodies) feeding off us.  And Alien Lifeform cording could be anything, even a planet perhaps.  I felt physically drained just by trying out a few on the list, but some were draining me more than others, and by the time I went upstairs to bed I felt physically shattered.  Once I've completed my main shortlist, I can then know which ones to focus on more later.

I know this must all sound very strange or bizarre to those who are not familiar with this kind of pre-ascension work.  It is certainly nothing like what I expected to have to do in order to ascend.  In fact ascension and pre-ascension preparation is nothing like what has been written or channeled about so far.
I have therefore had to release everything I previously understood about ascension and start over.  It doesn't make for a more a varied and interesting blog having to cut out all the channelled stuff that this blog was mainly about from the beginning.  However, I'd rather follow my heart and spirit and if I came across information from others that was not at odds with what I now know to be true then I wouldn't hesitate to post it.  I went through a brief period of some sadness when I realised that I had been listening to others who had also been trapped in this illusion, on these alien timelines.  Some information about ascension may sound wonderful, plausible or emotionally reassuring but if it is not what is truly happening 100 per cent then I want nothing of it.  There were snippets of truth here and there from channels who were my favourites before, but there is too much missing for it to be useful.  I have therefore deleted my channellers links list.  My previous posts remain as part of my journey but they are no longer my truth.

When I had to release what the mind controlling aliens had transmitted to us as lies (very timely of them just before ascension time was due, nobody gave us info like this in the 1800s about 'reality' and the shift, although the aliens have been around for eons of time) I experienced a complete re-patterning in my body, like when one forms new neural pathways in the brain when learning something new, only it felt like new pathways of light in the whole body shifting and adjusting, some making 90 degree shifts, some shifting only slightly.  So on observing and experiencing this I felt as though I was being de-programmed from the inside.  Since then, and since furthering the deprogramming process and doing some of the clearings and healings I have attracted more alien attention to me than usual.  This is normal in the beginning, seeing 11:11, or 22:22 or 14:41 and other such consecutive numbers, that I always used to think was such a good sign until I knew it was their tracking system to see how well their programming was working.  So from seeing these numbers only occasionally up until recently I was getting tested at least 6 or more times a day, every day.  So the aliens don't exactly go away they just can't use you in the same way as before (a human battery) which makes them focus even more on you before they give up altogether.  Without strong emotions and the energies they transmit (whether positive or negative) they have no use for humans and will eventually look elsewhere for feeding.  Without timelines connecting them to the earth they have no access to humans.  Without asking outside of oneself for help, healing or light (whether through prayer or ritual or group events) they are not invited in to cause more harm or alerted to who needs help.

So these numbers do not really bother me, I see it as a good sign but for different reasons.  Sometimes the free Satellite Timeline Crash gets rid of the tracking numbers for a while (see under Sample Healings on the Creation Lightship website) but when they are losing a valuable human energy resource they are not going to let go straight away.  As uncomfortable as this may sound to some I feel that not being aware of something going on doesn't make it go away if it is happening anyway.  Too many in the new age or ascension community will have nothing to do with anything that makes them feel emotionally uncomfortable, and believe they are attracting more of what they don't want by being aware of things they don't prefer.  I was of that mindset once.  
It is just alien programming.  They don't want you to free yourself from their control, so you have implants that go off whenever you get near to the truth of what is happening.  Thus most people shut down when they hear information that doesn't quite correlate with what they have been taught or that makes them feel uncomfortable or that something isn't right.  As most people live the majority of their time in their heads they are much easier to control, as aliens control mind energy.

It is therefore important to ensure you are in your heart energy as much as possible by commanding out loud to your spirit to drop your consciousness to your heart centre.  I do this a few times daily by commanding this and then counting from 10 to 1.  I now talk to my spirit regularly too, out loud of course because thinking just puts you back in mind energy.

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  1. Wonderful post! I am so glad I found your blog! I have had suspicions about the whole ascension/2012-thing, but I am so glad to find these healings and you! I have done a few healings today, and have been talking outloud to my spirit, which seems to be getting me "focused", I guess you could say. :)

    1. Thank you so much for commenting, and glad to hear you have at least tried some of the healings/clearings. Feel free to share any of your experiences about any of the ones you have tried on this blog if you feel so inspired at any time. Yes we do have to command or talk to our spirit out loud as it doesn't enter mind energy (darkness and duality) and so doesn't automatically know our thoughts.

      Ascension will happen, but it hasn't happened yet. Just as well really as there is much to clear and no time to waste. Source energy does the ascension but only works in the Now and does not use the Gregorian (or Mayan) calendar. When it happens it will happen in the blink of an eye.

  2. Hi there, Thank you for your post! Can you please contact me. I share your story :) and could really use some assurance.

